In Ukraine school begins at 8 a.m. and runs until 12:30. Children then have the option of attending music or sports schools in the afternoon. These are still a legacy of the communist past and at that time were financed by the state. Now these receive minimal support. Parents pay a little and teachers receive a small salary. In winter children come bundled up, because they can't afford to heat the building. Last year there was a threat to close this school, but so far it has survived. Thus, children can take piano lessons, dance classes or band instruction and have the opportunity for constructive afternoon activities.
The band begins
to play. Recently they competed in Zaporozhye and received second place honors. They told us that this award was made possible because they now have four good trumpets, thanks to donations fr
om Mennonite Educational Institute and King's Music in Abbotsford, B.C. Dancers appear in their bright, colorful garb. From time to time FOMCU has donated funds for fabric so that costumes can be sown. It is a delight to help this organization survive and succeed. Children are given skills that enhance their lives and the lives of others. Seniors are given great joy.
1 comment:
Hi Rudy & Hildegarde ~
Once again, this is such an interesting posting and the pictures are wonderful! It is great to see glimmers of hope and happiness in what appears to be a bleak society.
You seem to be enjoying your interactions with the people and I'm sure that they appreciate you.
By now Al and Peggy have arrived and you are most likely having a wonderful time together. Please give our greetings to them. Ross and I spent part of this past Sat. afternoon with Peggy's Mom and had such a nice visit. We love her dearly and I think of Frieda as my second Mom.
You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you as you serve Him in your remaining time over there.
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