Most heart-rending was our visit to the Babi Yar Memorial commemorating the loss of more than 33,000 Jews during the genocide that occurred at the site on Sept. 29-30, 1941. The bed of forget-me-nots was a poignant reminder. Our day ended with a stroll through the centre of the city at dusk, seeing the sunset on the Dnieper River and the lights illuminating monuments and historical places.
Next morning we met up with friends, Kim and Wes Janzen and their three teen-aged children who are currently in Ukraine with Music Mission Kiev. Part of Wes' assign
We were invited to return in the afternoon and listen to Wes rehearse the Symphony Chorus in Haydn's Creation and Monteverdi's Beatus Vir. What a wonderful choir - all music academy graduates. Had we been fluent in Ukrainian we would have been tempted to join in. We gratefully accepted the Janzen's invitation to dinner and joined them at the opera in the evening. The performance of Donizetti's Elixir of Love at the grand National Opera House was the crowning event of the day.
During the mid-day interval we visited the Chernobyl Museum, another worthwhile experience. It was sobering to learn that this disaster was a horrific consequence of poor decision-making.
On our final day, a guided tour of the Golden Gate of Kiev gave us a broad understanding of the history of this city. It was interesting to see parts of the fortification wall still in existence, dating back more than 1000 years. We concluded our sightseeing by visiting St. Sophia's Cathedral. This complex with its 13 golden domes blending into the skyline dates back 900 years. We climbed to the top of the bell tower and enjoyed the panoramic views.
Another 9 hour night of shaking and rattling as the train brought us back to Zaporozhye. We are left with a rich array of cultural, spiritual and historical experiences and memories to ponder.
Dear Baergs,
Thanks for this blog and the images. They resonate with my Ukraine experiences.
Walter Unger
Some years ago, the late Rabbi Jordan Pearlson, a longtime friend in Toronto wrote this, which we use annually at the Menorah site at Babi Yar:
Kaddish - The Jewish Prayer of Mourning, in a version for the Mennonite Heritage Cruise by Rabbi Jordan Pearlson, Toronto (Rabbi Pearlson notes that the names of “God” or “Yahwy”are not mentioned in strict Hebrew theology, but are referred to in other generic terms. But being a Reform Rabbi, Pearlson suggests we use our usual terms: “the important issue being your Mennonite identification with the God of History and with the realities of the Holocaust”).
You may want to join in this Litany at the Babi Yar site. Kaddish for Mennonites
Leader - Resource Leader on site
Leader: May God grow exalted and sanctified in the world that God created as God willed. May God give reign in your lifetimes and in your days, and in the lifetimes of the entire Family of God, swiftly and soon.
All: Amen. May God’s name be blessed forever and ever.
Leader: May God’s Name be blessed forever and ever; Blessed, praised, glorified, exalted, extolled, mighty, upraised, and lauded be the Name of the Holy One, Blessed is God.
All: Blessed is God.
Leader: Blessed be God beyond any blessing and song, praise and consolation that are uttered in the world.
All: Amen
Leader: May God make peace upon all who worship God. May God make peace with us now who mourn.
All: May God make peace with us now who mourn. Amen and Amen.
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